WinX MediaTrans - An Alternative for iPhone USB Driver in Windows 10/11 Now, your iOS device detection problem would be fixed. After install/re-install the driver, unplug your iOS device and then reconnect it using USB cable. On the pop-up window, simply choose the second one - Browse my computer for driver software. Under the Other devices, double click Universal Serial Bus(USB) controllers. If you can't find Apple Mobile Device USB Driver, you need install or re-install it. Right-click it and choose Enable from the pop-up menu to enable this device. Provided there is other symbol next to it, which means that the driver is disabled.If you can find Apple Mobile Device USB Driver and there is no symbol over it, it means this device installed successfully.Locate the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver. Then expand Universal Serial Bus controller or Universal Serial Bus devices (for Win10) on the right panel. Right-click on My Computer/This PC icon on the desktop and choose Manage to open the Computer Management window. Basically, the detection issue may due to the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver has not installed successfully on your computer. To solve it, you can install it manually with the following steps: If the problem does not fixed by the above tips, you need to make clear what cuases the issue at bottom. iPhone USB Driver Free Download on Windows 10/11 If you have the same issue on another computer, contact Apple Support. Try connecting your device to another computer.Unplug all USB accessories from your computer except for your device.If you see a Trust this Computer alert, unlock your device and tap Trust.Check that you're using the latest iTunes version on your Windows PC.Make sure that your iPhone is turned on, unlocked, and on the Home screen.You can try the following tips to see whether the problem is fixed. Then you might see an unkonwn error or an "0圎" error.

If you connect your iPhone to your Windows computer with a USB cable and your computer doesn't recognize your iPhone. What to Do When Your iPhone Not Recognized by Windows Computer?